When I think back to when I first heard the Family Proclamation read out at General Conference (when I was twelve and living in Singapore), my main memory is of feeling vaguely disappointed at what a non-event it was. I was expecting some exciting new revelation, but there was nothing in the proclamation that I didn’t already know and believe. It seemed almost superfluous. It’s funny that when I read it now, a quarter of a century later, it sounds almost revolutionary.
As I contemplate how to raise my children today, one of my central questions has been, "How can I affirm the principles and teachings of the Family Proclamation while also teaching my children respect, compassion, and love for those who might believe and/or live differently?" There are many, many facets of the proclamation to explore, but the one I am choosing to start with is gender, because it's been on my mind recently. I'd like to begin by learning more about the feelings and concerns of parents with transgender children, hopefully by speaking with some of them. I will then attempt to figure out my thoughts on how this particular choice fits into the gospel paradigm. Finally, I'd like to address how I feel we should educate our children about gender issues, at home and as a society. Gosh. That sounds like a lot, huh? If you have any sources or suggestions for me, send them over!
In the meantime, tell me,
What were your feelings when you first heard the Family Proclamation? Has your attitude towards it changed with time?

I came across this the other day and couldn't resist taking a picture...