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Embarking on a new decade...

A couple of years ago, when my youngest child was one and my oldest was eight, I realized that I was at the end of my child-bearing decade. A new phase of life was on the horizon: what I like to think of as my child-rearing decade. Fast forward two years, and I finally find myself with sufficient physical and mental energy to think beyond the next day or even the next week. Now that I am in possession of my faculties again (at least, the ones that remain after bearing four children), I find myself increasingly concerned about the prospect of raising my children in what appears to be an ever more confusing world. How can I teach my children to first have true beliefs, and then have the courage and faith to live according to their beliefs, and finally and just as importantly, to help others on their journey, however they are traveling and wherever they might be going? 

I sometimes feel like I am barely staying afloat in the social currents of the day. I don't always know what to say or how to react to events and emotions around me. How then can I teach my children to navigate these difficult spiritual and social waters - not to hide away in a safe harbor, but to move forward in faith and with love, guided by the light of eternal principles and truths? 

This blog is simultaneously a cry for help, and an attempt to be a source of light and truth. I hope to articulate my developing response to the challenges I see before me, and to solicit thoughts and points of view that will help me (and possibly others) to act purposefully in meeting these challenges. As I do so, I will try to lay aside my fears about how I might sound or how I should sound, for how can I teach my children to have courage if I am bound by fear? I don't pretend to any formal qualifications or training in this endeavor. All I have to offer is my faith, my own life experiences, and my assurances that - with four kids - I am extremely vested in the outcome of these discussions. I promise to be thoughtful, prayerful, genuine, and as careful and humble and gentle as I can be, as I explore these issues. And I trust that anyone who feels moved to respond will do so in a similar spirit. I will assume you are trying to do your best; please assume the same of me. I will say in advance that I am unlikely to be dissuaded from adhering to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, I am eminently open to persuasion and advice about how to live these principles in the various secular, institutional, political, educational, or other situations that we might find ourselves in.  

Anyone is welcome to read and contribute to the blog. I would love to hear from you, especially if you have a perspective I have not considered. My posts will generally assume a familiarity with the teachings and practices of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, but I am happy to offer clarification if asked. Also, if you have any suggestions for topics to discuss, please, suggest away!

Drop Me a Line, Let Me Know What You Think

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